Home Loan Calculator

As a guide we provide you below with online home loan bond calculators as a brief tool. Simulate FNB, Standard Bank, Nedbank, ABSA, Ithala and Investec bond calculator. There are other factors required in obtaining a home loan, so it's best to speak to a bond originator to give you good advise. The results should only be used as a guide, it's best practice to ask our originators for true results and advise.

Bond Repayment Calculator
Amount R
Interest Rate
Term of Loan
Monthly Payment R
N°. Payments

Interest rates are the determining factor on monthly repayments.
Get a Low Rate



Minumum Income Calculator
Amount R
Interest Rate %
Term (months)
Monthly Installment R
Minimum Income R

Apply To Multiple Home Loans in SA Simultaneously

Common Duties Of Bond Originators

Assessing the market in South Africa to find a mortgage bond product that fits the clients needs at the lowest possible interest rate. Applying for a lenders agreement in principle (pre-approval). Gathering all needed documents (payslips, bank statements, etc.). Completing a lender application form. Explaining the legal disclosures. Submitting all material to the multiple lenders.

The utilisation of an professional bond originator in South Africa can get you a better deal, than dealing directly with the banks.

Quick & Easy (Absolutely Free Service)

It only takes a couple of seconds to complete our online home loan application form. A couple of seconds that could save you thousands. Complete the form below and have a professional bond originator contact you. Use the form below to apply for a new home loan, bond refinance , further/second mortgage loan or prequalification letter. Lowest interest rates guaranteed, let us do the hard work for you.

 home bond