Switching and Refinancing

Bond refinancing or bond switching is there to help you in difficult times. If you are having difficulty paying your monthly bills and at the same time want a better interest rate then switching your home loan to another bank or lender can be a good idea. We can help by easing the stress and finding you the best options with our free service.

Apply For Bond Refinancing
Bond Refinacing Switch Refinance Home Loan South Africa Fnb Absa

Why should you switch bonds in South Africa?

Lower Interest Rates

A reason why property owners may want to refinance their home bond is to secure lower interest rates. When you pay a lower interest rate, your monthly home loan repayments would decrease, allowing you to save.

Cutting Down On Bank Fees

Another reason why homeowners switch their home loans, is for the cause of reducing account charges that are very irritating. They might appear insignificant but they can accumulate over the term of the bond loan.

Debt Consolidation

When you have several other types of debt that charge higher than your current bond rate, refinancing and lumping all your debts into one loan could be useful. This way, you will get the advantage from a single lower interest rate by means of debt consolidation.

Using Equity

After each month's payment as well as a slow whittling away at the principal on your home loan, your property's equity will increase gradually. By doing bond refinancing as an option, it offers you an access to built-up equity.

In certain circumstances switching banks while refinancing may result in numerous home loan features being available to choose from.

Apply To Refinance Your Mortgage Bond